There are many ways to get involved and help support the Pelican Playhouse.
Be An Actor — Pelican Playhouse is a true community theater. We pride ourselves on showcasing talented, experienced actors, but also in developing new talent. We involve families, friends, Miami Springs locals and visitors as well. Don’t be shy. Come to an audition. Or enroll in one of our classes. You’ll notice our warm, welcoming environment at the Pelican Playhouse.
Work Behind the Scenes — There are many opportunities for non-actors to become involved too. Work the lights or sound boards. Paint sets. Find props. Help at the box office. Help with public relations. If you have a talent (or just a desire to help), we can put you to work. You’ll gain valuable experience plus know that you’re contributing your time to an awesome cause–the performing arts!
See a Show — What’s the best way to support the arts? Buy a ticket! We invite you to join the audience at one of our shows. Once you experience Pelican Playhouse, we think you’ll be hooked.
Make a Donation — If you choose to make a tax deductible contribution to Pelican Playhouse, your donations will be put to good use building sets, making costumes, printing posters, buying new equipment or lighting and much more. The Pelican Playhouse is a non-profit public charity.
If you are an organization seeking sponsorship benefits for your contributions, please contact us. We’re happy to throw in some perks.