An opportunity presented itself that was simply too good to pass up. A long-time friend and professional actor colleague of mine is coming to Miami Springs in September, at my invitation, to perform with me, the two-man (twenty-character) comedy, “Greater Tuna” for the Pelican Playhouse. His name is Christopher Chisholm and he and I were originally scheduled to do this show in Detroit, Michigan in 1983. Circumstances prevented this from happening, but now, thirty years later, we are performing it here in Miami Springs.
Although I have been Artistic Director for the Pelican Playhouse since 1999 and have occasionally filled in for actors that have had to suddenly withdraw from a production, I have never had the opportunity to perform a lead role such as this one. I relish the opportunity to dust off my inner actor.
“Greater Tuna” is a small step up from our “G” format. The play is set in the town of Tuna, Texas, and while it is the late 1970’s, the residents are still stuck in the 1950’s. It is a character comedy that satirizes, lambastes and lampoons, racism, and censorship. While there is no profanity, sexual situations, or drug use, because of the adult themes it would probably scale out at a PG. (Not suitable for elementary children.) For those of you ready for some hardy laughs, we hope to see you there!